Monday, August 10, 2009

Memorable Baby Shower Gifts - Personalized Baby Blankets

The coming of a newborn into a family is one of the most memorable and blessed events of your life, especially for Mommies and Daddies expecting for the first time. Every moment of anticipation waiting for the new arrival, such as the first time you hear the heart beat and felt the kicking of the tiny foot, are events that are imprinted on the hearts and minds of the parents to be cherished forever.
So, when shopping for that perfect present that will always be very special for generations to come, focus on personalized new baby gifts because they accentuate the very name and personality given to the newborn and will stay with her commemorating all the special events in her life.
Personalized Baby Blankets; the Most Memorable of All Gifts
Of all the gifts and baby essentials available, and there are hundreds if not thousands of adorable things, there is one that has been immortalized and forever more will be the most memorable of personalized new baby gifts; personalized baby blankets.

The entire concept of snuggling into a warm, soft environment, and feeling perfectly safe and protected, is conveniently mirrored in blankets for baby.
I remember having a wonderful blanket, very soft and the palest of pinks, with a tiny hoodie on one corner with petite pointy ears. I loved that blanket and even though it was handed down from my older brothers and sisters, it was mine. All my blanket needed to make it perfect and only mine, was personalization.
Give Personalized Blankets for Every Occasion
Personalized baby blankets establish home and safety where ever the parent and baby are. This is so important for the healthy development of newborns, that, intuitively, friends and family give blankets of all shapes and sizes, for Baby Showers, Christenings, welcome home presents, and any opportunity that gives them the justification to go out and shop for more adorable baby stuff, especially when they are looking for personalized new baby gifts.

For many of the blankets, the personalization is integral to the actual design of the blanket. Whether hand embroidered monograms, bold and colorful printed initials, full names and vital statistics at birth, gifts incorporating personalization are the most memorable and unique.
Personalized Blankets Hold Happy Memories Forever
Most personalized new baby gifts focus on the name and date of birth of the new born, like baby bracelets and mothers jewelry.

While memorable, pretty, and often handed down as heirlooms, they just do not have the same infant joy of cuddling, soft and warm, that later on in life, a sophomore in college away from home and facing exams can pull back and feel nurtured just by pulling out her old personalized baby blankets, redolent with memories of bed time stories painting a bright and happy future with lullabies hummed in the background to soothe away worries.
So, when you are shopping for memorable personalized baby gifts, choose the personalized baby blankets as well as the beautiful personalized jewelry because you can never have too many blankets.

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